

Newspaper - Local

If you business involves selling to consumers and your audience is local in nature, you may want to consider a direct response ad in the local newspaper.

This is where you are asking the consumer to bring the ad into your retail establishment and you offer them a discount on your product or service in return.

If your target audience reads this local newspaper, you can measure your response rate through offers where the ad must be utilized or at least mentioned to receive the discount offer. This is considered a direct response ad. In contrast, an ad without a direct response offer is usually done for branding purposes.

Advertising in local newspapers is effective If you are certain that your audience reads this newspaper and you are willing to commit resources to run the ads for an extended period of time. This creates brand awareness with your consumer that will result in buying behavior.

Plus, many local newspapers also have an online presence and you ad can get additional distribution and coverage.

Budget: $500 - $2,500 monthly