Internet Marketing


Keyword Research

Keyword Research is the process of finding and deciding upon the best keyword phrases on which to bid in order to advertise a particular web site.

This includes factors such as the frequency for which a term is searched, the amount of bid competition and price, how general or specific a certain term is and potential return on investment.

When it comes to keyword research these days, the buzzword is effective SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Many have spent hours trying to locate the right keyword in their research because finding the right word will indicate what is popular with Internet searchers and that as a result, helps you build your online business.

Keyword research involves finding out what is popular and what is not among searchers. Using online tools can help you save time and effort in locating popular keywords. Understanding this will also help you keep track of other companies in competition with your Internet business by noting which ones have gained top positions in the search for those keywords.

Many people get stuck at how to start conducting their keyword research.

A good place to begin would be to find a free tool online that can check exactly how popular keyword searches are. This information is generally gathered by collating the number of searches carried out on a search engine, like Yahoo!, or a few affiliated search engines over a period of a month or more. The only drawback to using this tool is that although it gives you access to a large amount of data, it combines the verb form, plural form, singular form and incorrect spellings of the keyword.

This means that you will not know exactly how widely searched a variation of a keyword is as compared to it's primary form. The plural form of a keyword is generally more commonly searched than it's singular form. However, this really depends on the keyword itself.

Other free online tools that can help you with your keyword research may not give you the exact figures to the popularity of keyword searches. They may present the results of your research in a rank system, in order of popularity. However, not having the numbers will give you a greater challenge in your research for the most popular keyword searches.

There are also other online tools that give you advanced searches on the popularity of keywords. For example, you can focus your research on a particular country or even language. This is particularly advantageous if you're trying to market your Internet business to customers worldwide.

Tools like those from Google, can also deal with the problem where variations of a keyword are combined in search results. This is especially useful as it can differentiate between the various forms of a word, giving you a clearer, more specific idea on the real popularity of a keyword. Using a combination of these tools will certainly help in your keyword research.

Apart from free online tools, there are also many tools available that require a subscription fee in order to be used. However if you feel that keyword research is an important aspect of building and growing your Internet business, then paying for the use of these services might just be worth the investment.

Tools paid for, will definitely offer you more comprehensive functions than free ones. Some of the advantages of subscribed online tools include, the ability to group of keywords, this gives you greater mileage for your keyword research and also provides you with the added option of searching for synonyms of these keywords and drawing your findings up into a table format such as Excel.

Another advantage is the computation of a Keyword Effectiveness Indicator or KEI. This not only considers the popularity of a keyword but also the level of competition for that particular keyword. A KEI is generated by the proportional relationship between a keyword's popularity and the number of searches made on that word. So, the higher the KEI score, the more appealing the keyword (to both target customers and competitors). Note however, that every search engine will produce different KEI scores.

Locating the right tools for your keyword research will undoubtedly lead you to locate the right word relevant to your Internet business.

Keyword research added to your adverttising and marketing plans will prepare you for battle when going head-to-head with your competitors marketing.

A great starting keyword research budget is typically between $150 to $350 a month.


Recommendation Link #1:

Find the keywords you need to succeed online by clicking on the link below

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Recommendation Link #2:

Find The Keywords That Fit Your Sites…

Click Here For More Info About This Helpful Product, Service or Idea