Public Relations



Simple donations can be a great way to receive positive PR for your company. Obviously, make sure it is a genuine and sincere gesture that you really believe in. Here are a couple of examples:

You have a small office team and want to help needy families in your area during the holidays. As a team, you contact an organization such as the Salvation Army and each year during this time, you have an organized effort to make one family’s holiday better than they could have imagined.

Put together a team to walk in the Breast Cancer 3-day. Create group fundraising events to help rasie the funds to walk in the event. Many corporations will match your donations helping to raise even more funds. If fact, my wife Amy has walked in the Breast Cancer 3-day four times, and is walking next year too.  I've crewed twice. If you would like to donate to her walk simply click on this link and you be taken to her donation page.

Celebrate this genuine act of kindness – put it in your newsletter, on your website, etc. and encourage – even challenge – others to do the same, 2) You are a construction company and want to help others by donating your extra materials to those who really need them. Develop a relationship with your local Habitat for Humanity Restore.

Donate your extra materials or services. The organization you donate to can them resell to those who can really benefit by paying only pennies on the dollar. It’s a small thing, but can make a big impact.

Budget: $100 - $500 per month